Bathroom Designs: Space, Lights, and Mirrors

An open space is an integral part of good bathroom designs. The more extra space there is to move and swing your arms around, maybe even run around, the better. Spaces, though, doesn't always have to mean physical space. They could only be optical tricks, and still be just as effective. In this article, we'll talk about how to add space for bathrooms, either big or small.

The first thing you might want to consider would involve mirrors. Mirrors are a great way of creating illusionary spaces. They easily double the area by reflecting the other side of the room. Mirrors are more effective in lighter bathrooms, since light makes the illusion all the more powerful. Bathroom designs filled with wall mirrors are very expedient.

Another thing that makes the impression of a larger space is the use of natural light. Artificial fluorescent lamps go well with mirrors, but not as effective as natural light. You could try out bathroom designs with thick, opaque glass walls and windows. The windows don't always have to be small, since they're opaque, and only translucent enough to let in a streak of sunlight. At night, dense glass windows give off an eerie glow, emphasized by white fluorescent lamps.

The third trick is called shadow-less light. People call it many names, but it means exactly what it says. Bathroom designs that use shadow-less lighting work best together with mirrors and bright tiled bathrooms. These would be the nightly alternative to natural light, which you've already employed. How's it shadow-less, you ask? It's quite simple. Don't place the main lamp at the center of the room, but on all corners, or sides, if possible. Allow them to converge in the middle, so they would cancel out each other's shadow. The effect not only makes a bathroom look larger, but also cleaner and more peaceful.